12月. 7, 2023


Commencement is a time for reflection for students, 他们的家庭, 教师, 工作人员和NDSU社区. 这是一个庆祝所有努力工作的时刻,这些努力使一个重要的学术里程碑成为可能.

考虑到这一点, four NDSU seniors recently shared their campus experiences, memorable moments and what they’ll miss most about NDSU after they graduate.

Winter commencement ceremonies are set for Friday, 12月. 15, in the Sanford Health Athletic Complex. 安排了两场仪式.

2p.m. 典礼将为艺术与社会科学学院和健康与人文科学学院的毕业生举行. 5便士.m. 仪式 is for graduates in the College of Agriculture, 食物系统, and Natural Resources; College of Business; College of Engineering; and Interdisciplinary Studies.

Ambrosia黄鸟, a human development and family science major, was selected class representative to address the 2 p.m. 计算机工程专业的学生西蒙·克罗尔(西蒙·克罗尔)被选中在下午5点发表演讲.m. 仪式.

市场营销和金融专业的娜塔莉·莱姆纳斯(娜塔莉Lemnus)被选为5点会议的候补发言人.m. 仪式和艾米丽·巴鲁夫, 机械工程专业, 被工程学院提名为毕业典礼演讲候选人.





Yellow Bird, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota: 我会怀念那种走过校园的自豪感,因为我知道我不仅为自己,也为我的社区做了一件大事. 我会怀念上大学三楼看蒙特爷爷画的日子. 我会怀念参观萨尼什房间的时光, and reminding myself that Indigenous people belong in academia, 即使这对我们来说并不容易. 我会怀念和我最好的朋友一起在图书馆预订自习室,一次待上8个小时,完成一份本该花上几周时间完成的作业.

明尼苏达州罗亚尔顿的克罗尔: I think what I'll miss the most about NDSU is definitely the people. I've really gotten to know my department, and it's nice to be able to stop by different offices to get advice, help with a class or just to chat about the weather. Everyone's friendly and approachable, and I've built some good connections.

北达科他州山谷城莱姆纳斯: I will miss the sense of collective community in being a student at NDSU. Being at NDSU is being a part of something that is bigger than just you. I’ll miss my peers and going through the ropes of college with them. 这是我们生命中形成的一个时期,当我们一起经历它的时候,我们会有一种潜在的集体意识.

巴鲁夫,诺森,明尼苏达州: 的人. NDSU’s community is truly like no other that I’ve ever seen. When you’re walking down the street everyone’s like ‘hey, how’s it going?“我肯定会怀念那段时光的. 

What was your most memorable NDSU experience?

黄色的鸟: Marching with my fellow students through campus during the 2020 protests. Seeing all of the beautiful brown and black faces of NDSU, listening to their stories and pleads for justice, knowing that our ancestors are so proud of us. 

Lemnus: I will never forget my first home Bison football game as an NDSU student. My freshman year of college I made tons of new friends, 我永远记得当时和陌生人一起去看那场比赛, 谁现在已经成为我最好的朋友,我们回顾和回忆那一天的美好. NDSU absolutely gave me my lifelong friends.

巴鲁夫: The one that really comes to mind is 首页coming week, especially this year. 今年,我有幸成为总统晚宴上的主讲人之一,认识了一些了不起的人. The next day I got to be a part of the College of Engineering parade float. Watching my friends play the deans in cornhole was really fun.



Kroll: My favorite class was signals and systems. It’s one of the most difficult classes in my major, but I really liked the material and the lecture style. I really enjoyed how knowledgeable the professor was on the content. 这是一项艰苦的工作,但我真的很感激我从课堂上得到的理解.

黄色的鸟: 我最喜欢的课是部落与原住民研究101. 老迈克尔·黄鸟. 还在新大教书吗. It made my heart so happy to hear him tell stories about our people, and also to be in a classroom where I’m not the only Indigenous student.

How did NDSU set you up for success after graduation?

黄色的鸟: 我在NDSU的经历使我与我所在领域的人建立了联系和关系,我将继续在我的职业生涯中使用这些联系和关系, as well as mentors who say my name in rooms full of opportunities. NDSU has also taught me about time management, 批判性思维, 沟通能力和适应能力.

Kroll: The resources and opportunities are made really accessible here at NDSU. If you’re somebody that’s looking for opportunities, 这里有很多人愿意支持你,也有很多项目和组织可以参与.

Lemnus: NDSU将我视为一个全面的人,为我毕业后的成功奠定了基础, 不仅仅是学生. NDSU鼓励你深入了解自己的方方面面. 有一个俱乐部,团体活动或聚会,几乎任何你能想到的兴趣. There’s emphasis to develop yourself in a well-rounded way, 不仅仅是在学术上,我真的认为这能让你在毕业后更有自我意识地获得成功.

巴鲁夫: The career opportunities and career assistance here was huge. 我想每个学期至少有两三次,我会把东西送到职业和咨询中心,让他们审核我的简历或求职信. 太棒了. And what I mentioned before, the community here is like none other. 每个人都想帮助你成功.


What is a lesson you learned as a student that you’ll take with you?

Lemnus: That you are solely responsible for creating the life you want to live. 没人会帮你做的. If you have a vision of the life you want to live, you are the one responsible for creating that reality. 你的习惯创造了你的生活,如果你坐着等待一些事情发生,那么它永远不会发生. 你必须掌控自己的生活.

黄色的鸟: 你会犯错误. 很多人. Keep pushing and keep your head up always. 你的人民需要你.

What is your best advice for freshmen entering NDSU?

Kroll: 尝试新事物,保持好奇心. 大一的第一次实习,我走遍了尽可能多的公司. 当时, 我的目标是了解每家公司是做什么的,以及他们的工程师从事什么类型的项目. 最后我联系上了一家愿意给我机会的小公司. If you’re excited and want to get started early, don’t be afraid.

巴鲁夫: 坚持下去. 这是最重要的. 不管你学什么专业, no matter where you came from or where you’re going, 在某些时候,你会遇到一个突破点,这在大学里是很自然的. What makes you the best in your professional field, 无论是工程方面, 生意之类的, it’s all about how you approach those challenges and how you get past them.


Kroll: 我真的很喜欢靠近正在发生的一些令人兴奋的事情. 有很多很酷的机会,特别是在农业技术领域.

Lemnus: 我爱冰血暴. Fargo feels like a big city and a small town all at the same time. 我非常感谢组织在我们的社区所做的工作,为我们带来活力和归属感. There are so many things to do and places to try, creativity and entrepreneurship are encouraged and supported in Fargo.



巴鲁夫: 它的重点是超级学生. 一切都以学生为中心,我真的很喜欢他们就各种不同的事情征求学生的意见, especially when we’re bringing in new 教师, 当我们设计新空间的时候.  

黄色的鸟: NDSU的研究项目是惊人的. You can really study almost anything you’re interested in. 教授们都很棒, 他们中的大多数人都很关心他们的学生,并试图与他们建立联系.

Kroll: I’d have to say again, it’s the people that put passion into it. 在一天结束的时候, 是人和个人的互动创造了任何环境的文化.

Lemnus: NDSU is special because of its community. We see it in the alumni who are so excited to come back to campus, 看看在读学生, 支持各项措施. 我们在孩子们身上看到了这一点,他们穿着NDSU的衬衫跑来跑去,告诉别人他们长大后要去那里. People are proud to be a bison and to be a part of the community it is.


Lemnus: My favorite professor was Eric Gjerdevig. His industry knowledge was extremely insightful. 我发现有一位在他现在教授的领域工作多年的教授真的很有帮助. The real-world application of the lessons were incredibly tangible. You couldn’t be bored in his class with the way he conducts lecture. 他把学生视为年轻的专业人士,并为我们毕业后的成功付出额外的努力.

巴鲁夫: 乔迪Estevadeordal. 他是我最喜欢的人,因为他是那个说‘我要给这个女孩一个机会’的人,’ and that was something I really needed at that time. He would tell jokes in class and made it fun. 当我让他做研究时,他说:“哦,见鬼,你可以做研究.正因为如此,我最终领导了NDSU混合火箭推进设计团队. 我开始在这里做研究. 他还给我写了无数封推荐信,推荐我读研究生和申请北达科他州太空基金. 他就是那种会说, “是的, 我想帮你晋升,’ and he’s been the person who’s done that the most.

Start your NDSU experience by completing your application.
